Thursday 1 September 2016

Blog Update

Hi all,  I want to thank you for your support and apologise for the break in the blog.  I took the decision in July to take a stand back from my blog while I was sorting my health and medication.

During this time I have made progress on my health to get it on track and I have received my referral for my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ ME clinic and an appointment has been set up.  I have also come off it all my medication for depression so things are looking up. 

So here I am, on my return.  I made the decision a few days ago to start up again on 1st September.  September has always been my favourite month of the year.  It might have something to do with it being my birthday month.  I said in my last blog that I was going to be up loading a blog on a regular basis and I plan to take up that statement from now on and carry forward with an upload every Thursday. 

While away I also had a play around with my phones camera and had a go at Vlogging.  I have not yet up loaded any of the footage I recorded and may not but I enjoyed Vlogging and am planning on attempting to continue to vlog each day and upload possibly on a weekly basis but this schedule is still to be confirmed but I have today started to vlog and I'm just planning to go with the flow with this one. 

I have also been looking into setting up a website where I can more effectively set up a page for my portfolio for my art and for my crafts and baking.  I have set up a rough page for these on my blogger page but i'm finding the layout very limiting.  I have not decided if I will move my blog over to the website when I set this up. What does everyone think? Would you find it easier to find all my portfolio and my blog together on my website or would you prefer to keep the blog on blogger?  Let me know in the comments below.   I know I'm still finding my following but would appreciate your feedback.

I am currently in the process in writing my next blog post so I hope your looking forward to reading more of what is to come.

Follow your Instinct
Love and hugs